Illustration Till Bartke "Decoding chromatin states by proteomic profiling of modification-dependent nucleosome readers"

Till Bartke "Decoding chromatin states by proteomic profi...

Institute of Functional Epigenetics, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Neuherberg, Germany
Jeu 27 mars 11h00-12h00
CBI Toulouse - Salle de conférence 4R4
CBI Toulouse - Salle de conférence 4R4
169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse, France
DNA and histone modifications combine into characteristic patterns that demarcate functional regions of the genome. While many ‘readers’ of individual modifications have been described, how chromatin states comprising composite modification signatures, histone variants and internucleosomal linker DNA are interpreted is a major open question. Here we use a multidimensional proteomics strategy ... to systematically examine the interaction of around 2,000 nuclear proteins with over 80 modified dinucleosomes representing promoter, enhancer and heterochromatin states. By deconvoluting complex nucleosome-binding profiles into networks of co-regulated proteins and distinct nucleosomal features driving protein recruitment or exclusion, we show comprehensively how chromatin states are decoded by chromatin readers. We find highly distinctive binding responses to different features, many factors that recognize multiple features, and that nucleosomal modifications and linker DNA operate largely independently in regulating protein binding to chromatin. Our online resource, the Modification Atlas of Regulation by Chromatin States (MARCS), provides in-depth analysis tools to engage with our results and advance the discovery of fundamental principles of genome regulation by chromatin states.
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